Attention all marketers! Don't waste your resources on a scattergun approach. Direct mail allows you to reach out to your qualified prospects by segmenting your list, ensuring that you are targeting a specific niche market.
For over three decades and more than 150,000 high-performing direct mail campaigns, we have developed industry-specific strategies and creative messages that have proven to be effective.
Direct mail offers the advantage of allowing you to target a niche market by segmenting your list to include qualified prospects only. It also provides greater flexibility in design than EDDM, allowing for more room for creativity and personalization. Direct mail delivers in 4-6 days, which is faster than EDDM, which delivers in 7-8 days. In EDDM, each recipient receives the same mailer as everyone else, whereas Direct Mail Variable data lets you send a mailing with different images or messages for different demographics.
Attention all marketers! It is important to note that EDDM is not the ideal choice for your company if you are selling a niche product that appeals to a specific demographic. Although it might seem like a cost-effective option, EDDM has a lower response rate compared to Direct Mail. Therefore, the cost savings of EDDM do not outweigh the profit you gain from delivering Direct Mail to a qualified list.
The response rate of EDDM is 1%, while the Direct Mail response rate is 2-3%. However, personalization in Direct Mail can significantly increase the response rate to 6-8%. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages of both options before deciding which one to use.
For over 30 years and 150,000+ high-performance direct mail campaigns, we have crafted industry-specific strategies and creative messages that are proven to perform. So, if you want to reach out to your qualified prospects by segmenting your list and targeting a specific niche market, Direct Mail is the way to go.